Our planet is not a disposable one. We do not have other planet to live yet. It is our responsibility to care for our planet. Gençyıldız Textile Sourcing is a tiny company compared to other industrial companies but this does not mean our impact is tiny too. We are aware of our collaboration in global textile apparel industry’s carbon footprint.

We strive to improve ethics and social compliance code of conducts to further enhance our services and delivering ethical products. Ethical products do not mean solely using sustainable raw material indeed. Companies should consider both the raceability of their raw materials aswell their Carbon Emission contributions through third party audit companies to meet the social compliances.

By 2025, we would score the traceability of our vendors’s applications on fabric, dye, yarn and accessories in terms of sustainability criterias. Gençyıldız believes that, we can deliver a better world to generations to come. We are aware of the fact that while global population rises, the demand for clothing increases too. But the recources are becoming scarcer. This is the challenge, we must work harder then ever to conserve resources of the world. By 2025, Gençyildiz would aim to address this challenge by working with suppliers to improve the sustainability of our textiles supply chain.

Issues throughout the textile value chain is shown below graphics, please have a moment to investigate:

We have developed an approach to help enhance sustainability. We must design and produce sustainably and make the products last longer. In that regard, our focus is to source fibers sustainably, using sustainable chemistry, and reducing impact in textile manufacturing. We know that we have to work on promoting worker dignity through responsible sourcing. We are challenging suppliers to deliver Every Day Low True Cost (EDLTC) products that are not only affordable but are also produced in a way that is more sustainable.

As cotton fiber is averaging about 25 percent of total world fiber use, we must find ways to achieving a more sustainable cotton supply include climate change, resource depletion, and traceability. Gençyildiz will endeavor to source 100% more sustainable cotton by 2025. We would encourage our suppliers to improve environmental and social performance on the fields where cotton is grown too, in terms of the yield maximization of the land used, improving soil health, water and chemicals input optimisation, decreasing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions and last but not least promoting conditions that are better for workers. To achieve our goal, we will work with certification programs like BCI’s Better Cotton Standard, Organic, and Fair Trade Certified™ Cotton. We will also endeavor to work more with suppliers to include recycled cotton.

By 2025, we would require suppliers to ensure that none of the manmade cellulosic fibers are derived from ancient and endangered forests, or from endangered species’ habitats or other controversial sources.

Last point to note that, we would always support worker dignity through responsible sourcing. We would set expectations of suppliers and the facilities they use, assess supply chain risk, monitor supply chain conditions through audits and investigations. We would always combat forced and underage labor, to address unsafe working conditions, and to promote worker dignity through responsible sourcing.
